Health Benefits of Yoga

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Health Benefits of Yoga Simon Evans Physiotherapy Solihull

Yoga is an ancient practice with benefits such as:

  • Improves brain activity: improves oxygenation, concentration and memory.
  • Improves muscle function and reduces chronic pain such as low back pain.
  • It maintains systolic and diastolic blood pressure in balance, therefore in hypertensive people it reduces the need for antihypertensive medication.
  • Improves bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatic and allergic people
  • Reduces levels of stress, anguish and helps maintain adequate emotional stability
  • By reducing stress, it reduces hyperglycemia levels and controls decompensations in people with diabetes mellitus.

Book Your Physiotherapy Appointment Today - Click Here!Health Benefits of Yoga Simon Evans Physiotherapy Solihull

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